Near the end of 1978, almost concurrently with the release of the Apple II computer, 10 to 12 enthusiasts began to meet in order to share their interests in their Apple computers, and thus the Maryland Apple Corps was formed.
On June 1, 2003, the Maryland Apple Corps, in cooperation with the Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups Team (MaMUGs), held a Macintosh User Group Dinner to celebrate its 25 year anniversary. The keynote speaker was Steve Wozniak, Apple co-founder, technology pioneer and innovator. Also on the program were the following speakers: Arno Drucker, President Maryland Apple Corps; Daniel East, President (MaMUG) Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups Team; Victor Nazarian, Member Maryland Apple Corps and Apple Consultant; Peggy Ireland, APCUG (Association of Personal Computer User Groups); Chuck Joiner, AUGAB (Apple User Group Advisory Board) Chairman and President Hershey Apple Corps; Fred Showker, Editor-in-chief AACUG (Association of Apple Computer User Groups); Dave Marra, Apple K-12 Senior Systems Engineer. This special event was made possible by the cooperation and contributions of many people and organizations. We want to thank our sponsors and speakers, our committee members and volunteers as well as the entire board of the Maryland Apple Corps. In particular, we are grateful for the outstanding work and efforts of the Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups Team (MaMUGs). See our MD25MD picture gallery! |
Copyright 1995 - 2008 Maryland Apple Corps, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. |